Texture of Life

The Texture of a Life Lived

The Texture of a Life Lived


I’ve been through the desert on a Horse with No Name

It felt good to be out of the rain

In the desert you can remember your name

‘Cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain.

~Dewey Bunnell

I spotted this vehicle while on one of my rambles through town. Out of sheer respect, I had to stop and snap a photo. I say “snap” because I only had my cell with me. It’s a cheap phone, because I dislike spending $500 (or even a $100) on a phone.

The more I looked at her, the more fascinated I became (yes, I am a weirdo, thanks for noticing). To me she is amazing: the texture, the colors, the scars. Intriguing. How did she get this scar? And what about that one over there? The miles she has driven. The wonders and perhaps tragedies she has seen. The loads she has carried. Not one centimeter of her isn’t mysterious, beautiful, and well loved. What a life she has had, and what more is still to come?

It made me wonder why we are so afraid of aging.

The signs of wear and tear, love lost and found, grief and art, courage, fear, battles fought…unique to each of us.



One of a kind beauty.

In My World…

Just another boring old sky. Hah!

In my world rudeness happens only on the bluest of moons.  Courtesy is the very first rule taught in driving. Our elderly are afforded respect and dignity. All animals are treated humanely, because animals are an extension of people. We do not emulate the perceived cruelty found in nature, we rise above it. Honesty is revered, but we always take care to impart truth gently, ensuring that we never deliberately hurt another’s feelings.

We still have mom and pop markets, just around the corner and down the street in our neighborhoods. You always have time to say a kind word or two to anyone you meet. Everyone cares for all the world’s children, not just their own, although especially their own. A tree is never cut down to make room for a slab of concrete, and progress does not mean getting rid of a nature preserve, park, or someone’s home to make way for a parking lot or an oil pipeline.

It never occurs to anyone to judge another’s worth based on clothes, skin color, religion, sexuality, age, or the amount of money in their wallet. Everyone knows that human beings have boundless creativity and an endless capacity to love. It is only one’s heart that matters. We work together, rather than against, because this really does make the most sense.

Every individual is mindful that others coexist in this world and that we all have the same rights. All of us gratefully, humbly, and with open hearts share whatever it is that we can. We always pay a good deed forward. Physical violence does not exist, because we have evolved past the need to feel “powerful” by shaming, controlling, or demeaning someone else. We know that true power is never attained by trying to control another. True power is always generous and inclusive. There are no wars, because we all know that this is one planet and its care has been entrusted to each of us to tend and then pass on to our children.

Of course, it’s not a perfect place this world of mine. We still stumble and fall, skinning a knee here and there. Sadly, devastating diseases like cancer and AIDs exist, but with the brilliance on this planet it is only a matter of time until cures are discovered. On occasion a harsh word may pass our lips, but we make up quickly, cleanly, and completely. We don’t hold a grudge, because we are all well aware that not a one of us is perfect. Mistakes happen, but we don’t beat up ourselves or others.

As John Lennon once said, “You may call me a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” I believe that there are many of us…In My World.

May 2016 be kinder, gentler, and a Dreams-do-Come-True type of year for you.



A Blue Tangle

We always did feel the same

We just saw it from a different point of view

Tangled up in Blue.

~Bob Dylan

Blue, blue, oh boring old blue.

Just kidding. I don’t find anything about the color blue, boring. Except perhaps feeling blue. I can’t feel blue for too long. Perhaps because I’m not a color, but rather some sort of humanoid. That’s my current theory, anyway. Feeling blue just gets old after not too long of a time, and then I need to move on. Look to the future with some sort of hope and at least a semi plan.

No plan, yet. Until I do, I’ll just have to make due with some peaceful blue.

Sky Blue Cloud Angel & Genie: I’m pretty certain I’m the only one who sees these two beings in these particular clouds. One has wings and one doesn’t. One looks a bit like an angel, the other looks more like a genie of some sort. Maybe they’re both angels. Maybe they’re both genies. Maybe they’re both just clouds (what???). It doesn’t matter to me, as I think they’re beautiful regardless. The important thing in the photo is actually the faint rainbow. So, we can all make a wish. I hope you wish for peace. That’s my wish, anyway.


Early (before 4:00) Morning Blue – Gaviota: Grainy yes, but I sort of like that effect on occasion. Rare occasion. Like this one.


Edinburgh Castle – Queen Margaret Blue: This small chapel inside the gates of Edinburgh Castle gave me permission to take a moment. Take a moment and breathe. I sometimes forget to do that. Life makes me hold my breath often. Mostly out of sheer shock. Although, how anything could really shock me at this point is bizarre. I’ve seen a lot during the years that I’ve inhabited this planet. And I am continually amazed at how utterly cruel we can be toward one another. Thank goodness, I’m also continually reminded of how good people can actually be. It’s a balance, I suppose.


Never a frown

With Golden Brown

~”Golden Brown” by The Stranglers

I love the color brown, golden or otherwise.

It’s the color of many a tree trunk, leaves that have fallen, lots of rocks/stones/boulders, my desk, good clean dirt, and a large percentage of my wardrobe. It’s also the color of decay. But even with this on its resume, I still love the color brown.  And then there is my absolute favorite of favorites (outside of my husband, that is) and a lot of other peoples’ favorites, you-gotta-know-where-this-is-headed, the magnificent, the nearly magical and unearthly satisfying chocolate. Be still my heart.

For chocolate alone, brown would be one of my top three colors. Perhaps even number one. Depends on the day.

Here’s some brown for your day.

Beautiful fallen boulder that allowed me passage on our hike. Joshua Tree, California

Beautiful fallen boulder that allowed me passage on our hike.
Joshua Tree, California


Some kind of seed pod. Perhaps one of you nature buffs will know what it is. It caught my eye, but it didn't tell me what its called. That's okay. We didn't know each other very well. Joshua Tree, California

Some kind of seed pod. Perhaps one of you nature buffs will know what it is. It caught my eye, but apparently the feeling wasn’t mutual.  So, it didn’t tell me what its called. That’s okay. We didn’t know each other very well.
Joshua Tree, California


Decaying in blossom I spoted on a street corner. If I can have even half this grace in my aging process, I'd be thrilled. Nature does it all so uh, naturally. Nature doesn't fight the inevitable. Solvang, California.

Decaying blossom I spotted on a street corner. If I can have even half this grace in my aging process, it will be thrilling. Nature does it all so uh, naturally. Probably because nature doesn’t fight the inevitable. Or at least, not that we know of.
Solvang, California.

I didn’t manage to take any photos of chocolate. It doesn’t last long enough in our house to have its picture taken. True story.

Green Suns, Cloud Men, and Alien Landings…

I do not like 

Green eggs and ham

I do not like them


~Dr. Seuss

I’m not actually peddling green eggs or ham. But these photos put me in mind of something that is off the menu. A special (weird) request (obsession) that someone (me) might make. You might like these Green (or otherwise) Skies. Please keep in mind, I’m not trying to improve upon nature. That is one of the few things I do not believe is possible. However, I do believe you can improve upon bad shots or at the very least create something interesting out of something terrible.

Highway Shot: Green Sun

Highway Shot – Green Sun: I went really broad with the saturation and it turned the sun green. It reminded me so much of my home planet that I turned it up even further.


Highway Shot: Primitive Cloud Man

Highway Shot – Primitive Cloud Man: Yeah I know. You probably don’t see him. Somehow when I look at this light and cloud formation that’s what I see. There is a bird perched on one of his shoulders, who is telling him the latest Cloud Gossip. Primitive Cloud man’s head is shaped like a box. So, he is actually Box-Headed-Primitive-Cloud-Man. Hmm…now that I keep looking at him, he actually looks like he might have a beak. Or he could have some sort of lizard face. He may be dancing a jig. That’s what it looks like from here.


Highway Shot - The Aliens are Landing: Turns out they weren't actually landing. It was more of drive-by. Very disappointing.

Highway Shot – The Aliens are Landing: Turns out they weren’t actually landing. It was more of drive-by. I really thought my people had finally come to pick me. Very disappointing.


Looking Up at Ceilings

I’m gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist, like it doesn’t exist
I’m gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry
I’m gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier

~Sia, “Chandelier”

The Oaks Hotel ~ Alnwick, Northumberland

Dirty Dick’s Pub ~ Edinburgh

Wynn Hotel ~ Las Vegas

Edinburgh Castle ~ Edinburgh

Excalibur Hotel ~ Las Vegas

Sia’s painfully exquisite piece “Chandelier” is about partying to excess. I’m about as far away from a “party girl” as one can possibly be, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a good chandelier. Given the opportunity (which has eluded me thus far), I doubt I’d swing from one, either. Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate their beauty, regardless of how many (too-many-to-count) stares and murmurs I may encounter whilst looking up at ceilings.

Mellow Yellow

I’m just mad about saffron

Saffron’s mad about me

They call me mellow yellow (quite rightly).


Unlike Donovan, I admit to nothing, folks. I’m just saying I like the color yellow.

Okay, here’s the deal: I decided to put a challenge to myself (since no one else stepped up to the plate, ahem). My rules are simple:

a. Pick a color.

b. Pick a song lyric or quote to go along with the color.

c. Choose three photographs from my portfolio that display said color.

This post is my first time unto the breach, dear friends. After browsing dozens of my photos I begin to despair at the choice of yellow. What was I thinking?? Hmm…perhaps it was the banana peel.

I spotted this lovely yellow rose among the grasses and wild flowers along the walk from the village of Craster to Dunstanburgh Castle. Okay, so yeah. This one was an easy yellow choice. Not too worry the next two will be a bit less obvious.

I spotted this lovely mellowish, proudly and most definitely yellow rose among the grasses and wild flowers along the walk from the village of Craster to Dunstanburgh Castle. Yeah, yeah, I hear you. This one was a straightforward choice. Not too worry the next two will be a bit less so.


One fine misty, mellow, yellowish morning in Gaviota State Beach California.

One fine misty, mellow, yellowish morning at Gaviota State Beach California. The quiet was marvelous.


Okay, I'll admit it. I got really lucky finding this capture. Yellowed stained glass window at Jedburgh Abbey in the amazing Scottish Borders. My husband and I fell in love with the area.

Yeah, I’ll admit it. I got really lucky finding this capture since it was hidden, nay buried along with quite a few other shots I’d completely forgotten about. A pretty cool mellowed and much yellowed stained glass window at Jedburgh Abbey in the amazing Scottish Borders. My husband and I fell in love with the area.

Should anyone viewing this post get it into their heads to follow suit and take part in the Mellow Yellow challenge, please leave me a link to your post in the comments. I’d love to see what you come up with.

In the grand closing style of the illustrious Loonie Toons and as verbalized by the maverick Porky Pig, Th-Th-That’s All Folks.


I’ve got a dance, I ain’t got no steps

I’m going to let the music move me around.

~Billy Preston, “Will It Go Round in Circles”

Circles are everywhere. Some become our life and we simply end up going around and around…and around. Never really going anywhere. Not terribly productive, but hey, you can burn a few calories that way. Or you could take a left. Get inside the circle. Then again, maybe you want to take a right. Get out of the circle. Hmm…now that sounds interesting.

Beginning the Walk Circle. In the beginning there was a circle. And it wanted to be stayed within.

Beginning Circle. In the beginning there was a circle. And it wanted to be stayed within.

Not only can a mile be crooked. Circles can be a wonky as well.

Sheered Circle. Not only miles can be crooked. Circles can be as well. Although, I wouldn’t try to walk this circle. A sad road to follow is one that can only be fed by the destruction of others. 

Some circles are pretty fancy...but don't let them fool you. The fancy ones are still only circles.

Pretty Fancy Circle. Some circles are pretty fancy and costly. These can astonish us, hypnotize us, and make us envious…but don’t let them fool you. The fancy ones are still only circles. Circles that we are meant to wash our hands in. 

Mmm...and some circles are just yummy. Pie. Not just for math.

Better-Than-Pi-Circle. Pi isn’t just for math. Add an “e” at the end and watch the wonders unfold. This is a sugary, tempting circle. There are a lot of these out there. Make sure to pick up or pass by the right one (or ones). 

Yum circles are so good, I had to add another one. This is beginnings of  homemade caramels. Do you see the swirly heavy-cream couple in the center? You never know what you'll find inside a circle. So, don't just walk round and round it. Look inside.

Caramel Couple Circle. See what I mean? Circles made up with sugar are so good, I had to add another one. This is the beginning of homemade caramels. Do you see the swirly, heavy-creamy couple in the center? You never know what you’ll find inside a circle. So try not to merely walk around and around it. Look inside.

Dangerous Circle. These go by many names, but the bottom line is that these are never as easy to get out of as into. Remember that before you stick your head through the barbed wire.

Dangerous Circle. These go by many names, but the bottom line is that these are never as easy to get out of as they are to get into. Remember that before you stick your head through the barbed wire.

Encircled Circle. Encircled is a warm word, yes? In this case, this circle of  corrugated plastic is protecting an oak sapling on its journey to growth. This is probably what we all deep down wish that all circles could be. Could this be why we keep going around and around and around? Perhaps we're looking for...a sense of safety, welcome, continuity, peace? Ah.

Encircled Circle. Encircled is a warm word, yes? In this case, this circle of corrugated plastic is protecting an oak sapling on its journey to growth. This is probably what we all deep down wish that all circles could be. Is this why we keep going around and around and around? Perhaps we’re looking for that sense of warmth, safety, welcome, continuity, peace. Ah. Yes.

Into the Mystic…

We were born before the wind,

Also younger than the sun

Ere the bonnie boat was won

As we sailed into the mystic

~Van Morrison

Something about these shots say “mystic” to me. And that was before the alcohol…

Foggy morning at the beach blah, blah, blah. Still. I think it's pretty.

Gaviota, CA – Foggy morning at the beach blah, blah, blah. Regardless, I think it’s pretty.

Ah, June Gloom in Agoura Hills. I miss you.

Ah, June Gloom in Agoura Hills. I miss you.

Okay, it's Morro Bay and not Bodego Bay, but still, birds, man.

Birds. Birds, man. Okay, it’s Morro Bay and not Bodego Bay, but still, birds, man. And yeah, there is only two at this point, but who knows how many could end up gathering? All right it ended up with only the one. But still. On an entirely separate note, this is the cleanest alley I’ve ever seen.

Wow. How boring can one sky be? Not. Boring. At. All.

Wow. How boring can one sky be? Not. Boring. At. All.

Sunrises on Monday and Tuesday

As stressful as my job can be (working left-to-middle of nowhere, in rustic conditions, with about fifty men), the sunrises can’t be beat.



Still Monday

Still Monday

Yep, it's still Monday. I have to leave for work at in order that I arrive at least a half hour early for picture taking time, so I won't be late for work.

Yep, it’s still Monday. I have to leave for work very early and allow at least a half hour for picture taking time, so that I won’t be late for work.




Still Tuesday

Yep, it's just Tuesday

Tuesday was a good day for the sky

Tuesday. I sat here for a few minutes...just watching the sky.

Wow Tuesday. I sat here for a few minutes…just watching the sky.